For a video explaining the system please click this link to YouTube video on IHR STTS
We use our own satellite and GPRS system. Designed and built in Iceland, making use of our outstanding network coverage and our amazing GPS accuracy.
Each car has one loaned to them. The version for 2025 needs a power supply and has additional features. (The images are of the 2024 version)
One box is inside and the other two antenna and GPS receiver outside.
The accuracy is scary, but we use it for friendly and safety purposes.
Unlike other rallies we do not use Stage Marshal personnel, we do use marshals but their main purpose is your safety and the safety of other, potential stage route users.
We only use public roads but close them to the public for a specified time. Our marshals are their to physically block the road and interact with those who would like to use the closed road.
So how do we obtain your stage times and if necessary award penalties?

In 2025 the device will have two extra feature which will help all of us.
Save a Lives
There will be a button for you to Press should you stop. Obviously if it is not pressed, we need to send rescue teams and stop the stage. So if you stop to change a tyre etc, press the button. Failure to this will result in a report to the Stewards.
The device will have an LED light to advice you that you have a competitor close behind, who has obviously made up a minute on your time and is quicker. You must pull over when safe to allow an overtake.
Remember every second the device sends us two sets of information, your car and the one behind. So please do not baulk the overtake. If you do a report is sent to the Stewards. Remember we know the stage terrain so we know if your delay was valid or just bad manners.

This is the start of our Hill Climb stage which was SS3 in 2024.
You should recognise each of the symbols on the map, from the Yellow Clock advising you that the Time Control is close. Then the Red Clock Time control, then the actual Stage Start the Flag. Approximately 80 to 100 meters apart with the End of Control board being the last. Between The Yellow and this you cannot service your car except for safety purposes.
Again, there are no people at these positions.
Stop at the Yellow Clock, check the time you should arrive at the Red Clock (Time Control), ensure your helmet is attached to the HANS system, chin strap done, belts are over the HANS system, etc. Be ready to start.
Go forward to the Time Control. Check the Time Card, for the time allowance from here to the Start Flag, usually 3 Minutes. Write that START time into the time card or your road book.
Check your time again we use easy and simple for everyone.
Move forward to the Start Flag after the previous car has left. Watch your time and GO on the minute you should go.
This is the same start of stage, but here I have added circles to the two important Stage Boards. Time Control (Red Clock) and the Stage Start (Red Fag).
The circles represent the 3m active GPS zone, a Geo Fence sometimes called. Your vehicle needs to be within that Circle for at least the count of 3. Easy, just park with the vehicle entrance doors in line with the pole holding the sign.
Every second the device on your car sends a signal which we pickup at rally control. Note that every second it sends a pulse with a location and time.
So if you drive forwards before the start we know.
If you delay your start we know.
If you start early we know.
If you arrive late we know.
If you are outside the zone, you are not there.
(Your stage time may not be validated and the CofC will make a decision or report to the Stewards).
True, we may not know at the same precise time but that signal will be sent to rally HQ. The information is displayed on a website, that website is known to the police and our senior staff nobody else has the same detail.

This was the finish of the same stage as above. Notice the two circled stage boards. Flying Finish and the Stop Line.
It is the Flying Finish that we and you need so we can calculate your time in stage.
You MUST STOP at the finish line and count to 3, WARNING, keep an eye on the mirror for a following car, MOVE off if they approach.
NOTE, your rally time for that section is still ticking away, until you reach the next Time Controls, it is not at the stage finish.