Event Technical Information

The information here is NOT to be considered as the Supplementary Regulations they are based on the regulations and intended to be more descriptive and helpful.

The event is only open to vehicles with 4 wheel drive and classed as a cross country vehicle. 4×4 or all wheel drive cars are not eligible.

We do not accept trucks, quads or motorcycles. 

We have a limit of 30/35 vehicles. This is due to limiting ground damage and limiting public road closures to a minimum.

We will accept any fuel propulsion but we are not responsible for providing any required fuelling infrastructure. If you intend to use a hydrogen or electric powered vehicle please advice us and have the vehicle in Iceland before the event so we and our rescue teams can learn how to work with it.

It is important to ensure your vehicle has a fuel capacity to traverse 90 kilometres. We do not allow loose fuel containers, you may have multiple fuel tanks but they must be protected and inter connected.  You do not need FIA fuel cells. 

We do factor in for refuelling and will provide transport for fuel cans to a remote re-fuel location where management service is banned.  There is a limit of one can (20l) each. When this refuelling is required the following stage distance to service or gas station accounts for the reduced fuel capacity.  We design our stages and routes to account for fuel capacities. Note; alternative energy systems will need to contact us well in advance to see how we may assist.

Personal Protective Clothing

The helmet needs to be a valid FIA in date unit, eg

  • 8858-2002 or 8858-2010 (Technical List N°41)
  • 8859-2015 (Technical List N°49)
  • 8860-2004 or 8860-2010 (Technical List N°33)
  • 8860-2018 or 8860-2018-ABP (Technical List N°69)

FHR systems (commonly called HANS devices) must be to FIA 8858 the tethers must match the FHR system.  The FHR system must be used in the correct manner.

Clothing needs to be FIA compliant eg
to the FIA 8856-2000 standard (Technical List N°27) or 8856-2018 (Technical List N° 74) note any stitching or printed additions must meet the standards.

Under wear is optional as is footwear but NOT plastic or rubber. Gloves are required for the driver, navigator use is optional.

Seat belts and Seats need to be of an approved FIA design but do not need to be in date however they must not have signs of stress or wear and be correctly and firmly attached. We are the judge of that.

ROPS (Roll Cage) The vehicle must have the current FIA homologation design for the vehicle. Be aware that some buggies SXS SVS etc have what are called competition cages but they are not FIA compliant. We make this question simple, if you can prove that the vehicle has entered the first stage of any FIA sanctioned rally, in the last 20 months, we will accept it. In simple terms this includes MSUK and FFSA events. 

The vehicle requires at least one  2.4l AFFF system or two 2l Powder or inert gas fire extinguisher. Other systems must be in addition to this. Note a plumbed in fire extinguishing system must meet FIA Standard 8865-2015 .

Your vehicle requires an electric (thus engine) cut off switch accessible to both driver and co-driver AND by someone outside the vehicle. Typically one such switch either side and clearly marked with the FIA spark triangle sign that must be 200mm in size.

Any fuel or high pressure line that could, if broken, discharge onto the occupants must be inside another cover.

Tyres are open though aggressive tyres are not necessary, we do not have mud sections. Any tyre to be used must be EU marked and not over 7 years of age. Note that Icelandic Traffic Laws require that tyres on a common axle (eg front or rear) must be of the same type and size.

You must have 2 Warning Triangles that must be deployed when you have an accident and are safe or need to service your car, the triangle must be 80 m away and the race approach side of any bend or blind summit.